Customized Fixed Hospital
Indemnity Policy
Premium paid by employee on a pre-tax basis pursuant to section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code
What are the benefits?
The Policy will pay employees
Additional Employee Benefits
Increased dollars in employee paycheck
in two ways:
When a qualified medical event occurs, the employee receives a benefit payment:
- Initial Hospital Admission
- Daily In Hospital Stay
- Emergency Room
- Ground Ambulance
- Air Ambulance
- Payment amounts are individualized per employee
A suite of benefits that are proactive, focus on early detection and offer preventative strategies where a fixed claim payment is paid monthly to employee for engagement a wellbeing reimbursement.
- 24/7/365 Telemedicine — no co-pay or deductible
- Unlimited Human Performance Coaching
- Human Performance and Human Index Assessments
- Behavior Change Learning Activities and Paths
- Wellmetrics Screenings
In addition to the above benefits, additional features include:
- Employee Assistance Program
- Emotional Well-Being Solutions
- Preventive Care Visits
- Digital Coaching
- Integrated Mobile Experience
- Set and Track Health Goals
- Resources and materials to manage stress and anxiety